Карты zm: 1-zm_toxic_house 2-zm_tower4 3-zm_toronto_remix_v2 4-zm_toronto 5-zm_die_hard_tn 6-zm_blocks 7-zm_beach 8-zm_lila_panic 9-nth_lets_take_mothers_tank + еще есть SKINS ZM : Humans (7), predators (5), esqueletos (4) Zombies (23) руки для zombie (7) half life monsters (6) HUMANS: 1-hunk.mdl 2-jill valente.mdl 3-marino.mdl 4-Solder umbrella.mdl 5-umbrella2.mdl 6-umbrella3.mdl 7-Umbrella normal.mdl Пак моделей ZOMBIES: 1-nemesis.mdl 2-zombie_burned.mdl 3-zombie_cubano.mdl 4-zombie_fat.mdl 5-zombie_gign.mdl 6-zombie_guerrilla.mdl 7-zombie_headcrab.mdl 8-zombie_headcrab2.mdl 9-zombie_moustro.mdl 10-zombie_fast.mdl 11-zombie_resident.mdl 12-zombie_resident2.mdl 13-zombie_scientist.mdl 14-zombie_security.mdl 15-zombie_soldier.mdl 16-zombie_source.mdl 17-zombie_swarm.mdl 18-zombie_terror.mdl 19-zombie_terror2.mdl 20-zombie_work.mdl 21-zombie_traje.mdl Пак моделей 22-nemesis by ecua1 23-nemesis by ecua2 nemesis by ecua 1: Пак моделей nemesis by ecua 2: Пак моделей Руки для zombies 1-hands of zombies1.mdl 2-hands of zombies2.mdl 3-hands of zombies3.mdl 4-hands of zombies4.mdl 5-hands of zombies5.mdl 6-hands of zombies6.mdl Пак моделей 7-hands of nemesis by ecua: Пак моделей Half life Monsters: 1-agrunt.mdl 2-bullsquid.mdl 3-friendly.mdl 4-garg.mdl 5-isable.mdl 6-skeleton.mdl Пак моделей Predators: 1-depredador1.mdl 2-depredador2.mdl 3-depredador3.mdl 4-g-man.mdl 5-hand depredador.mdl Пак моделей skelentons: 1-arctic.mdl 2-guerilla.mdl 3-leet.mdl 4-terror.mdl